Modes of Data Visualisation


Explanatory data visualisations are the most common and you can spot them in newspapers, websites, and beyond. They tell a clear story with a static dataset.


  • Static data set (generally)
  • You know the data beforehand and can assign properties based on that (ex: colours)
  • You have complete control over layout and placing annotations
  • One-off audience
  • Learning, not a tool


  • Infographics
  • 'Scrollytelling' websites (gaining popularity for news sites)


Exploratory data visualisations enable people to examine data in various ways and reach their own conclusions (ex: a dashboard). Susie Lu compares them to a [[!Choose Your Own Adventure]] story with a branching narrative.


  • Dynamic data set
  • You cannot predict the data and have to define dynamic colour palettes, layout, etc. which can accomdate a variety of situations
  • Accomdate a variety of audiences who return multiple times, from first time visitors to power users
  • A tool where people come to answer a question and reach their own conclusion


  • Most any dashboard